The original fibro shack was built by the client’s father and has been the clients home her whole life. For a long time, the house has been in need of regeneration along with additional spatial requirements to allow for modern living.
The house which had some endearing qualities had a real disconnect between the external and internal living spaces which needed to be addressed.
The client was keen to retain the existing feel and character of the house and it was the intention to demonstrate that the home can be adapted, creating interesting and inspiring architecture.

“The space is now such a pleasure to live and breath in everyday. It is a space full of optimism and freedom. Something my Father would be proud of. Thanks Shawn and John. I am eternally grateful. You guys have made a profound difference to the lives of those living in this space and to all other family members who have an emotional interest in this home. Your kindness and patience and intelligent design made the process fun and awe inspiring.” – Leigh Hanlon